Thank You Pardons Canada for helping me get a second chance

Thank You Pardons Canada for helping me get a second chance

Dear Sir/Madam: 

I just wanted to thank you for giving me a second chance. I’m appreciative for the fact that  I can now see my grandmother in Florida and my sister’s growing family in California. Not having the ability to see them on a regular basis has made me stop and reflect on the unlawfulness that I’ve brought upon myself. I will take this as a lesson that I’ve learned and not only to be a positive member of society, but a more positive member for my family. 

Furthermore, given this opportunity, I am now in a position to further the career I’ve been working on throughout this whole process. Not only do I have the ability to travel outside of my province for work, but I now have the chance to explore employment opportunities in another nation without hesitation. I am truly appreciative of this chance. I feel unburdened by my past and look forward to moving forward in positivity and further improving myself. 

Ryan S.

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