Thank you for all your hard work with respect to helping me secure a pardon.

Thank you for all your hard work with respect to helping me secure a pardon.

To the staff at Pardons Canada.

Thank you for all your hard work with respect to helping me secure a pardon.

Andrew Tanenbaum, who was instrumental in this process, left no stone unturned, in helping me in my pursuit of a pardon.

The staff in the office made it clear of my responsibilities that are required to secure a pardon, including the full disclosure of my convictions, details of the crimes on my criminal record (to the best of my recollection) and full acceptance of my guilt , with respect to those convictions.

As uncomfortable, as it was, this was one of the most important steps, in my journey, to a criminal record free life, moving forward.

Maybe I could have secured a pardon on my own, but as Andrew Tanenbaum had explained to me, that, if there were any omissions of details that the Parole Board were seeking in order to grant a pardon, my application would have been dismissed as incomplete and a pardon would have been denied.

Pardons Canada ARE the reason that I am now a criminal record free member of society, as their perseverance to guiding me through the process, IS second to none.

Very heartfelt thank you to every member of the team at Pardons Canada,

Sincerest of regards,

Mr. M. F.,

Hamilton, Ontario

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