Pardon: I would like to thank you for the guidance and support that you have given us all through this application

Pardon: I would like to thank you for the guidance and support that you have given us all through this application

Hi Andrew ,

From time to time things happen naturally however sometimes it take that special human touch who understands the people on the other side of the fence.

On behalf of the [redacted] family, I would like to thank you for the guidance and support that you have given us all through this application. We really believe that your involvement and follow up helped very much in making it happen.

This will definitely open a new door that will allow him to visit his family more freely. As I had mentioned he was unable to attend his Father’s funeral nor the birth of his three grandchildren but thanks to you and your dedication to your work things have changed. Joe will enjoy his new gift from the Canadian people.

Again, we wish you well and please keep on helping people start a new chapter in their lives .

Kindest regards ,

On behalf of the [redacted] family .

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