Having a pardon has given me my freedom back in so many ways, I can now pursue any job I wish


I think i would like to start off saying I am not sure how to describe freedom, but i will do my best. 

One analogy I used when explaining my elation to my family was at this moment in my life it was like a wall fell down in front of me. When you have a criminal record you don’t plan your future because there is always this wall in front of you waiting to stop you from succeeding. You don’t plan trips because you know you’re not allowed to leave the country. You accept your lot in life and live it the best you can but when I received my pardon it was like i was tearing a wall down and allowing myself to live again, to hope again and to dream once more. 

Having a pardon has given me my freedom back in so many ways, I can now pursue any job I wish, I can travel with my family and my husband. I can start an organization that helps people like me with criminal records succeed in life. I wanted to do so much with my life and now I can without the fear of judgement and persecution because of my past. My past no longer has a hold on my future and it is the most freeing thing I have ever experienced. 

Thank you 

L. N. recent pardon receiver. 

When I was 18 years old I was involved in a situation that resulted in a criminal record

Thank you to Pardons Canada.

When I was 18 years old I was involved in a situation that resulted in a criminal record. It caused my family and myself many years of grief and depression. I knew that I would never be satisfied with my life until I erased this dark spot, so I contacted Pardons Canada for help. After a lengthy process, I am absolutely thrilled to be granted a Record Suspension. There are no words that can describe the sense of relief, happiness, and appreciation for the outcome of this journey. At 26 years of age, I can now get on with my life knowing that this burden has been lifted. 

A huge thanks goes to Andrew Tanenbaum and everyone at Pardon’s Canada. I could not have been successful without the professional guidance and assistance of this team. Originally I was sceptical about enlisting help from an agency, but in retrospect, it was the best decision I could have made in my situation. In fact, I would recommend Pardons Canada to anyone that might be considering this type of help. I never regretted it for a moment, and I will be forever grateful . 



I successfully received a Record Suspension – Thank You Pardons Canada

Attention: Andrew Tanenbaum

Mr. Tanenbaum,

I received your letter notifying me that I successfully received a Record Suspension from the Parole Board of Canada. I couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome and want to personally thank you and your organization for all of your assistance. This was a long, complicated process and I could not have accomplished this without your help. Thank you again for your professionalism and continuous follow up. 

I have a couple questions that were not clear in the documentation and I’m hoping you can clarify. 

  1. If I want to travel to the USA sometime in the future, am I now clear to travel, or is there a process that I must follow each time?
  2. The second paragraph of the letter from the Parole Board doesn’t make sense to me. (see below). Can you please explain what this means and let me know if there is any particular action that I should be taking regarding this paragraph? 

“The resulting Board decision means that the criminal record held by federal departments and agencies will be kept separate from other criminal records pursuant to section 6 (2) of the CRA. Please note that while many provincial, territorial and municipal agencies, when notified, choose to conform to the CRA by restricting the disclosure of the criminal record, they are not required by law to remove conviction information from their local records as a result of a record suspension being ordered. Should a non-federal agency maintain past information on file pertaining to the conviction for which a record suspension was ordered, it is suggested that you provide them with a copy of this letter and request that they remove the information from their records in accordance with the spirit of the legislation.”

I look forward to your response. 

Thank you. 


Pardons.org Client Review

To whom it may concern. I have been patiently awaiting this reply and felt a huge weight lifted from my shoulders as I began reading the ruling. I made a huge mistake in 2013 which set my life into a tailspin. This has been a long time coming. 

I want to offer my sincere gratitude for everything that you have done for me and hope this will allow me to move on with my life and continue where I left off 7 years ago. It has been a very dark period in my life and one which I have so much remorse.

It has been 7 years of sobriety and I feel I have learned a very dear lesson in life. If only time could be turned back, I would have definitely made different choices.

Thank you again very much for supporting me through this painstaking process.
I do have one question for you. With this document, will I still need to apply for the U.S. travel waivers upon expiry of the current 5 year waiver ?


Kelvin L.  

Thank you Pardons Canada for helping me getting my criminal record clear

Dear Sir/Mam

First of all I would like to thank pardons Canada for helping me getting my criminal record clear this is just a wonderful feeling which is not possible to express in words but still I am trying to express my feelings.

With my record suspension I would be free to get any job or travel to any other country whenever required. I feel so off load that I am able to provide the best future to my family. I was feeling very shameful when representing myself to anybody but now with the help of pardons canada I would be very confident and shamefree to tell my record to anyone.I am very much aware of how important it is to be a law abiding citizen so I assure you to be a person which any country or state will feel proud.

Once again I am wholeheartly thanking you to be with me in this hard time.


(name redacted)


Hello Eric,

My brother was very touched with everything and just changed the whole prospective on his life. 

He attached your Supporting Letter this morning and sent it to the company that he had an interview yesterday. 

He got that job !! HR also thanked him for being honest and also sent him that letter. 

Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you!

Thank you for giving a hope to my brother. Thank you for giving him a new chance. 

Thank you for changing my brothers life with the whole new prospective. Thank you for everything. Many times, money cannot buy everything. Hope can change the life. 

Endlessly thankful,

Sandra S.

Thank You Pardons Canada for helping me get a second chance

Dear Sir/Madam: 

I just wanted to thank you for giving me a second chance. I’m appreciative for the fact that  I can now see my grandmother in Florida and my sister’s growing family in California. Not having the ability to see them on a regular basis has made me stop and reflect on the unlawfulness that I’ve brought upon myself. I will take this as a lesson that I’ve learned and not only to be a positive member of society, but a more positive member for my family. 

Furthermore, given this opportunity, I am now in a position to further the career I’ve been working on throughout this whole process. Not only do I have the ability to travel outside of my province for work, but I now have the chance to explore employment opportunities in another nation without hesitation. I am truly appreciative of this chance. I feel unburdened by my past and look forward to moving forward in positivity and further improving myself. 

Ryan S.

Thank You Note Application # 4100461 – Canadian Pardon

I am beyond grateful to be given the opportunity to be pardoned. It has been over 10 years and I have used this time to reflect back and think of ways to constantly better myself as a human being. To have my record suspended makes me feel like I have a fresh start, a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I finally have a clean slate. I want to leave my past in the past and work on a brighter future. 

I am looking forward to finally becoming a Canadian citizen after living in this beautiful country for 20 years now. I want to contribute to society, be able to help and do my part. 

Am I able to apply for citizenship directly now that my pardon has been granted? The thought of being a citizen of Canada makes me feel excited and warm inside. This country has been my home for half of my life. I am very thankful to it.

I would like to thank the government of Canada and Pardons Canada. Thank you for giving me a new start. I will promise to be the best version of myself. 



Review: 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

Thank you letter from Lisa for Pardons Canada

I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how happy and grateful I am that I have received my pardon. I wouldn’t have been able to complete this process myself and I am very grateful for your professionalism. 

This situation has changed my life and now I know that my mistakes in the past will not hinder my family.   I now have the career, travel and volunteer opportunities that had been limited for so many years because of my criminal record.  A huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.

I can’t thank you enough. 


Review: 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)