Category: Thank You

Huge thank you to all the individuals who answered my questions along the way and helped me with my paperwork for my pardon

Hello Pardons Canada,

I would like to simply say a huge thankyou for all the individuals who answered my questions along the way and aided me with my paper work for my pardon.

I am now working in a mine ore camp up in Mary River, NU and would not have had this opportunity without all your wonderful help.

It is not a forever job but the money is good.

Once again!  My whole thanks and appreciation for everything that was done for me.   I thank you wholeheartedly.

Best Regards from a happy person

Tanya K.

Subject: Pardon granted

I appreciate everything your organization has done for me over the last several years. I am now free (once the RCMP update their system) to continue on upwards growth at work.

Since all provinces have various rules/guidelines regarding past issues it is nice to know that on my renewal forms I can comfortably check the no box regarding no issues in the past.

John T.

application file  4116344

The decision that I made in 2015, refusal of breath sample; made me recognize the severity of my behavior of drinking.

Dear Pardons: 

I received the mail packaged yesterday, upon opening I said a small prayer in terms of the awaited information. The decision that I made in 2015, refusal of breath sample; made me recognize the severity of my behavior of drinking. And how it caused other people harm.  

Most importantly, I have made steps to changed where I decided to enter a 12 step recovery program; Through out this process I did make contact again with all the people in which it gave closure to most. The changes had to happen within me, but I also needed to take accountability for all my actions.  I later got reunited within my relgious and now a devoted person of worship; however, to be able to see all the wrongs I use to make and than rectify it either through service work, or clearing the past hurt with regards to all the people is foremost the most important.  The change within me will have a ripple affect in my community and all areas surrounding. Pardons Canada has helped me since the beginning because I was unsure how to summit the packet, but as well conversations with Pardons Canada representatives.  I eventually got my drivers reinstated with no offenses; but did not for three years with also lost of employment.  This Record Suspension will give me more so peace of mind when it come’s to travel or employment.  In either, case I am at serenity as of now, and glad to have the support from Pardons Canada since the beginning 5 years ago.

Thank You.


I had this charge over my head for over 30 years

Just want to send a thank you.   I had this charge over my head for over thirty years.  This has been my one and only charge and it has come back to hunt me over and over again.   At my age now at 63 its about time I get this off my mind and of my record.    This makes me so greatful for Pardons Canada.   Thank you Thank you!

Thank you so much in working with me to begin rebuilding my life

Dear Pardons Canada 

Thank you so much in working with me to begin rebuilding my life without the burden of my past circumstances hindering new opportunities for me. The challenge of starting over was very difficult and without your support I do not know what I would have done without it. Again I thank you.

I also appreciate how helpful the counselling team was in assisting me along the way. I found the counsellors not only helpful but also very informative which granted me great confidence in their capabilities. I definitely will recommend this service to anyone I encounter that may need the same assistance. 

