Category: Thank You

I would like to thank each and everyone involved in helping me receive a record suspension

I would like to thank each and everyone involved in helping me receive a record suspension , i was very emotional reading your letter when i got home from work today and still can’t believe i have gained my self respect back after carring this burden around for all these years. I know at times i have been somewhat frustrating to deal with and for that i truly apologise. Special thanks to Mr. Gerald Cachia and Andrew Tea for their hard work and support i will be forever grateful to them both. Pardon Canada truly comes through when you need help as i was looking for. Going forward i will be a huge promotor of this very excellent service they provide for people who have made mistakes in their lives but can find help professionally through this very capable company. Again my sincere thank you for all your help to give me back the ability to live the ready of my life without restrictions..

Yours very truly. Shane D.

Pardon: I would like to thank you for the guidance and support that you have given us all through this application

Hi Andrew ,

From time to time things happen naturally however sometimes it take that special human touch who understands the people on the other side of the fence.

On behalf of the [redacted] family, I would like to thank you for the guidance and support that you have given us all through this application. We really believe that your involvement and follow up helped very much in making it happen.

This will definitely open a new door that will allow him to visit his family more freely. As I had mentioned he was unable to attend his Father’s funeral nor the birth of his three grandchildren but thanks to you and your dedication to your work things have changed. Joe will enjoy his new gift from the Canadian people.

Again, we wish you well and please keep on helping people start a new chapter in their lives .

Kindest regards ,

On behalf of the [redacted] family .

I just received the great news that I was accepted for my Record Suspension!

Dear Pardons Canada,

I just received the great news that I was accepted for my Record Suspension! I would like to Thank You all for helping me with the process and making it happen!!

It feels Super Great to know that my record is suspended. It’s a very heavy load off my conscience! It was in my thoughts every day and now, I will now have a clear conscience while never forgetting what I did and making sure it never happens again. I will continue to live a law-abiding lifestyle.

THANK YOU for everything!!

Best regards,


I wanted to thank you Pardons Canada and the Parole Board from the bottom of my heart

What a incredible feeling, a feeling that made me emotional. I called my closest friends and family to let them know that this burden is finally removed.

I will continue to excell in every aspect of my life and know that the past is truly behind me. I am moving forward in my career and 2 years now with my new family. We can now travel hopefully with no worry.

I wanted to thank you Pardons Canada and the Parole board from the bottom of my heart I would not have been able to accomplish this goal with you! 

Have a great day and all the best

Yours truly
