Category: Success Stories

My Pardon has been granted. It changed my life forever as I was reborn

The Pardons Team,

I felt blissful when I received the letter from the Pardons informing me that a Pardon has been granted. It changed my life forever as I was reborn. The possibilities that open a front of me to be a free-of convictions man, to be a role model for my future grandchildren, and to travel are incredible.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Pardons Team for helping me with my pardon. The representatives were patient, attentive, and sincerely supportive throughout my journey. Kudos to you, the Pardons Team.

Sincerely, Randall

With the help of Pardons Canada I navigated the process to apply for a record suspension

As a recent recipient of a Pardon/Record Suspension I just wanted to say thank you to all those who were a part of the process. From Pardons Canada, to the Federal Government including the Parole Board of Canada, I cannot thank all of you enough for giving me the chance to live my life again. 

Everyone makes mistakes in life. I believe the vast majority of  people who run afoul of the law should be offered opportunities to clear their name and move forward in life.

With the help of Pardons Canada, they helped me navigate the process to apply for a record suspension. While the process seemed to take time, it was easy to submit the information they needed along the way. I am happy the day has finally come to lift the burden from my shoulders. I literally cried when I opened the mail containing the paperwork.

As someone who was guilty of an offence, I accepted my fate and my punishment. What I had a hard time accepting was that my family, friends and loved ones were affected as well. This lead me to feel that I had let them down more. With a new partner in my life, her dreams and goals in life were put on hold until I could successfully earn a record suspension. My specialized career was hindered as I fell behind in valuable training that is only offered abroad in the US and France. I can now seek the training I need to succeed, and I can look forward to travelling with my partner to places we have dreamed about visiting together as a couple.

I am grateful to everyone involved in this process, and thank you all from the bottom of my heart.


I  finally feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders


Much has changed since I  made that horrible mistake driving home that night.

I have realised how a charge like that can affect every aspect of your life.  I felt guilt and shame.  I had to put my life on hold in so many ways and kept it a secret from many.

Now I  finally feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.  I can volunteer and possibly travel.  When my pardon letter arrived it was a long awaited happy day for not only myself but also my family.

I am forever grateful to finally be able to close this chapter and move on.

Thank you so much

Helen A.

Note on Record Suspension

Hello Pardons Canada, hope all is well.

I have just received my letter informing me of my official record suspension/pardon and I am very happy to have received this positive news! 

In your letter you ask to share a note about my experience so here goes:

“Although you may find the process to be a lengthy one, rest assured a positive outcome will quickly make you forget the process. I can attest that receiving the letter informing me of my official record suspension lifted a huge weight from my shoulders. It’s amazing how much peace of mind, hope and heart lightening this letter could give someone. I could now look forward to expanded work options without the worry of being passed over because of a criminal record.”

Thank you again Pardons Canada team for making this happen!

Letter from a client that received his Pardon

Dear Andrew

I received my paper work for my suspension today and I wish to thank your organization for the assistance that was given.

The process is rather long but we are dealing with Government but the end result is great.

Had I known how long this process takes from the start, there is a good chance I would not have moved forward with the process., however I am very thankful I did.

Although I have no plans to travel at the moment I, have the freedom go at a moments notice.

The one question I have is, after the 90 days  my record will be destroyed; so when asked by the boarder authorities if I have ever been convicted of a crime how do I answer that question?

In the end however, I am well pleased with the outcome.

Yours truly


I was deactivated by UBER due to my past criminal record, Pardons Canada destroyed my past criminal record and now I am back in action

Hi, regarding about a letter of appreciation, all I can say is that it is all worth it. 

I operate a small moving company and holding a regular time commitment job does not work for me due to the nature of the moving business. Moving can occur at any given time at any day. If I wanted to make extra money during down time, the only job that will works for me are app jobs like UBER. It can basically allow me to work when time permits. Unfortunately, I was deactivated by UBER due to my past criminal record. 

But not anymore, Pardons Canada destroyed my past criminal record and now I am back in action. 

I am now working again for UBER when needed.

Thank you.

I just received the great news that I was accepted for my Record Suspension!

Dear Pardons Canada,

I just received the great news that I was accepted for my Record Suspension! I would like to Thank You all for helping me with the process and making it happen!!

It feels Super Great to know that my record is suspended. It’s a very heavy load off my conscience! It was in my thoughts every day and now, I will now have a clear conscience while never forgetting what I did and making sure it never happens again. I will continue to live a law-abiding lifestyle.

THANK YOU for everything!!

Best regards,


I wanted to thank you Pardons Canada and the Parole Board from the bottom of my heart

What a incredible feeling, a feeling that made me emotional. I called my closest friends and family to let them know that this burden is finally removed.

I will continue to excell in every aspect of my life and know that the past is truly behind me. I am moving forward in my career and 2 years now with my new family. We can now travel hopefully with no worry.

I wanted to thank you Pardons Canada and the Parole board from the bottom of my heart I would not have been able to accomplish this goal with you! 

Have a great day and all the best

Yours truly
