Category: Reviews


Hello Eric,

My brother was very touched with everything and just changed the whole prospective on his life. 

He attached your Supporting Letter this morning and sent it to the company that he had an interview yesterday. 

He got that job !! HR also thanked him for being honest and also sent him that letter. 

Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you!

Thank you for giving a hope to my brother. Thank you for giving him a new chance. 

Thank you for changing my brothers life with the whole new prospective. Thank you for everything. Many times, money cannot buy everything. Hope can change the life. 

Endlessly thankful,

Sandra S.

Thank You Pardons Canada for helping me get a second chance

Dear Sir/Madam: 

I just wanted to thank you for giving me a second chance. I’m appreciative for the fact that  I can now see my grandmother in Florida and my sister’s growing family in California. Not having the ability to see them on a regular basis has made me stop and reflect on the unlawfulness that I’ve brought upon myself. I will take this as a lesson that I’ve learned and not only to be a positive member of society, but a more positive member for my family. 

Furthermore, given this opportunity, I am now in a position to further the career I’ve been working on throughout this whole process. Not only do I have the ability to travel outside of my province for work, but I now have the chance to explore employment opportunities in another nation without hesitation. I am truly appreciative of this chance. I feel unburdened by my past and look forward to moving forward in positivity and further improving myself. 

Ryan S.

Thank You Note Application # 4100461 – Canadian Pardon

I am beyond grateful to be given the opportunity to be pardoned. It has been over 10 years and I have used this time to reflect back and think of ways to constantly better myself as a human being. To have my record suspended makes me feel like I have a fresh start, a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I finally have a clean slate. I want to leave my past in the past and work on a brighter future. 

I am looking forward to finally becoming a Canadian citizen after living in this beautiful country for 20 years now. I want to contribute to society, be able to help and do my part. 

Am I able to apply for citizenship directly now that my pardon has been granted? The thought of being a citizen of Canada makes me feel excited and warm inside. This country has been my home for half of my life. I am very thankful to it.

I would like to thank the government of Canada and Pardons Canada. Thank you for giving me a new start. I will promise to be the best version of myself. 



Review: 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

Thank you letter from Lisa for Pardons Canada

I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how happy and grateful I am that I have received my pardon. I wouldn’t have been able to complete this process myself and I am very grateful for your professionalism. 

This situation has changed my life and now I know that my mistakes in the past will not hinder my family.   I now have the career, travel and volunteer opportunities that had been limited for so many years because of my criminal record.  A huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.

I can’t thank you enough. 


Review: 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) has been very helpful in ensuing that I completed each step of the process

Dear Pardons Canada

On my behalf, I would like to thank you for successfully helping me in building my Pardon application. I had first contacted the organization in February 2016. By November 2017, a record suspension for my conviction had been accredited. had been very helpful in ensuing that I complete each step of the procedure in a timely manner. Especially since, at the time, I had been very preoccupied as an undergraduate student. was there to facilitate the correctional process and did as such.

My sincere thanks.

Maziar J.

Review: 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

Thanks to all those at Pardons Canada for their expertise

Thanks to all those at pardons Canada for their expertise and professionalism in helping me move past this chapter in my life and begin anew. Thanks to all the representatives I spoke to who were knowledgeable and helpful every step of the way. Anyone looking to move forward should take all necessary steps to ensure their non-conviction record is destroyed. Pardons Canada has not only helped me but thousands of Canadians achieve this freedom. To many more,



Review: 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

Review: Many many thanks to the Pardons Canada team

Dear Pardons Canada

Many many thanks to the Pardons Canada team. 

I finally received my record suspension this week. After roughly a 24 month wait.

Cannot begin to tell you how much this mean to me. 

After years of stress and anxiety related to my criminal past, Im finally free. 

Now able to travel outside of Canada without the burden of not knowing when my passed would comeback to haunt me.

Very professional and courteous team. They delivered on everything they promised for both my US waiver and record suspension.

Thank you all so much, and I would definitely recommend your services to anyone in a similar position.


Thomas T

Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)

I want to thank you and everyone that helped to make this and my pardon possible

Hi Andrew,  I just received my waiver yesterday. It’s good for 5 years and I was so happy. I want to thank you and everyone that helped to make this and my pardon possible. I also dealt with I believe his name is Dan who helped make the financial process easier to accomplish and i thank him for that. I wish I had done this 30 years ago but I am glad I did this. You all helped to make this possible and you have a great support team to answer any questions I had.  It may sound silly but I feel “free”. Thank you sooo much. 

Fiona L.

Review: 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)