Author: Staff made the process for my file and fingerprint destruction very easy

Dear Pardons Canada,
When I heard about your services after my charges were dismissed after my DUI trial; you made the process for my file and fingerprint destruction very easy. The process and consultation from your professional staff were very organized and straight forward.
Thank-you; truly from me and my family are grateful for the ability to move forward as this closes that chapter in my life and puts back my life to where things were a few years ago. My career and life ambitions are still intact and this allows me to pursue other things in my career and personal interests.

Best Regards,

Review: 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

I would certainly recommend Pardons Canada to anyone who needs this type of service

I would like to thank Pardons Canada for the excellent service and for relieve me from the burden that I was carrying for 18 years, young people sometimes make mistakes and the important thing is to learn from them. My actions not only affected myself but also my family. Your Service has provided me with the help I needed. It will also help others like me have peace of mind and make a difference in their lives. I am so relieved and happy to be free of a criminal record, now I can apply for my passport and take my family on vacations anywhere and not have to be worry about it. After almost a decade of living my life as a law-abiding citizen, I feel I can now hold my head high. Again, thank you so much for your help. I don’t think there are enough words or ways to show how happy and grateful I am for your help. I highly appreciate the assistance you provided. I would certainly recommend Pardons Canada to anyone who needs this type of service.
Thank you all very much!

Review: 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

Thank you Pardons Canada for helping me with my criminal record

Dear Sir:
I received a letter this past November, (2018), stating that my pardon has been granted and I no longer have a ā€¯criminal record”.

The cloud that has been hanging over my heard for almost fourteen years is now gone! What a feeling
of relief and complete liberation!

With the start of a new year. I look forward to many new beginnings. l have already approached
Service Canada and am in the process of writing a new resume with their assistance. This will open up
new job opportunities for consideration, without restraints. It is also a relief to know I can consider
travel destinations that were previously off limits.

Aside from these advantages, the biggest and most important one is the boost to self esteem and to my
sense of personal worth!

I feel I have taken responsibility for my actions and achieved a hard earned success. There is now light
at the end of the tunnel!

Hopefully this letter will be one of hope and encouragement for others.

I offer my appreciation for your careful consideration of my application for pardon.

Yours truly,

(name redacted)

Review: 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)