Having a pardon has given me my freedom back in so many ways, I can now pursue any job I wish

Having a pardon has given me my freedom back in so many ways, I can now pursue any job I wish


I think i would like to start off saying I am not sure how to describe freedom, but i will do my best. 

One analogy I used when explaining my elation to my family was at this moment in my life it was like a wall fell down in front of me. When you have a criminal record you don’t plan your future because there is always this wall in front of you waiting to stop you from succeeding. You don’t plan trips because you know you’re not allowed to leave the country. You accept your lot in life and live it the best you can but when I received my pardon it was like i was tearing a wall down and allowing myself to live again, to hope again and to dream once more. 

Having a pardon has given me my freedom back in so many ways, I can now pursue any job I wish, I can travel with my family and my husband. I can start an organization that helps people like me with criminal records succeed in life. I wanted to do so much with my life and now I can without the fear of judgement and persecution because of my past. My past no longer has a hold on my future and it is the most freeing thing I have ever experienced. 

Thank you 

L. N. recent pardon receiver. 

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